Bahamut is the greatest dragon on Newgrounds! :D
Bahamut is awesome on Newgrounds!, He is a Forum Moderator on Newgrounds!, Newgrounds like him so much that he was the 1st dragon who signed up on Newgrounds in 2004!, Bahamut's friend is RupeeClock!, Which is a friend of him on the BBS since 2005!, I do like RupeeClock and Bahamut's flash submissions for some reason because how awesome they are!, B rules!, Afro_Stud was kind of Bahamut's friend!, Afro_Stud likes Pink!, I know that Bahamut and RupeeClock made their life on Newgrounds flashes! Here is alot of reasons why i like Bahamut and RupeeClock! :D 1. They are so awesome and cool! 2. They both are on the same level on Newgrounds! 3. They have the same whistle status on Newgrounds! 4. Both of them are friends on the BBS in 2005! 5. Both of them like StrawberryClock and their famous flash "B" 6. RupeeClock is between with Commander and Sup. Commander rank! 7. Bahamut is on Sup. Commander on Newgrounds! 8. Bahamut likes Corky52 and gfoxcook and Casualty! 9. I like Casualty website which is Newgrounds Log! :D 10. Both of their flash skill is awesome and 1337! 11. Both of them like Clock Day! 12. Both of them kinda have a lot of PMs 13. Both of them have alot of reviews! 14. Both of them have alot of BBS quality! 15. Both of them kinda has alot of Review quality! 16. I like NG so much that i made a long News post on my NG Gold profile! 17. I like Corky52's Birthday Collab on Newgrounds! 18. I like Corky52 because he has alot of reviews like Bahamut and RupeeClock! 19. I am the greatest and responable Newgrounder! 20. Newgrounds And YouTube is the awesome and great websites ever! :D I vote this flash submission a 5/5!, Favorited this flash submission and favorited you! :D